, by Steve Coulter, 1 min reading time
, by Steve Coulter, 1 min reading time
Our MINI FLAT PACK is being installed pilot projects throughout the US - to test for durability in high heat, impact and abrasion applications - applications where failure occurs regularly. So far, so good!
We know that the ACTIVSTONE sensing face is highly resistant to abrasion - but we wanted to demonstrate that feature at FABTECH in Chicago.
On the weeks leading up to the show, I built a tabletop drilling machine - applying 20lbs of force with a 1/8" HSS drill bit to the center of the MINI FLAT PACK sensing face - but after a day of testing the machine, I decided it was just too boring - no penetration into the sensing face was evident. I needed something more destructive and with more action!
So I loaded this wire brush bit into the chuck, clamped a sensor onto a spring-loaded dual rail mini table, and plunged the sensor face into it as it spun - Now this was a demo! First there were sparks and wire brush debris - for the first 10 or so hours - so much debris was flying that I had to install protective safety barriers. The MINI FLAT PACK ran for 36 hours at Fabtech Chicago - It was impressive, as the sensing face wear was minimal - and the sensor still functioned!
Contrast that to these competitive sensors with only seconds of run time on the same machine: